Abuse That Dares Not Speak Its Name

Abuse That Dares Not Speak Its Name

The Charismatic movement has been rocked within the past few weeks of the news concerning the third-party investigation regarding Mike Bickle and the now public knowledge of at least seventeen women being groomed and sexually abused by Bickle over a span of decades. The report released by Firefly not only affirmed this abuse, but it also revealed sexual abuse perpetrated by other leaders within this organization, as well as the actions of ministry leaders within IHOPKC in discouraging victims from involving law enforcement. Sadly, this report is among numerous accounts now being exposed regarding recognized and well-known leaders within the prophetic movement.

In addition to Bickle’s exposure, reports are now coming forth of potential sexual harassment from within Shawn Bolz’s organization, as stated by a released letter to the alumni of BSSM (Bethel Church) in Redding, California, as seen in the screenshot below.

Resource: https://youtu.be/4JC9XwDt27g?si=uVkvVUn3R2ayiGbs- Faith Reframed YouTube channel

This comes on the heels of Bolz’s exposure as a false prophet in the appearance of data mining for information of attendees at corporate gatherings and conferences, appearing as words of knowledge. Additionally, there are concerns of the re-platforming of Todd Bentley, who was known for the 2008 Lakeland Revival, and who has been surrounded by controversy for his sexual misconduct while married, as well as reports of continued abuse in like manner with interns and other individuals. According to this article, ” Bentley was disqualified from ministry in 2020 by a panel of charismatic Christian leaders. The panel made the decision based on numerous firsthand reports of Bentley’s “steady pattern of ungodly and immoral behavior” over the course of almost 20 years, including reports of sexual abuse.”

Rick Joyner’s organization, Morning Star, is facing four lawsuits over “allegations of sexual abuse and grooming at the hands of a youth group leader. According to reports, the church’s leaders failed to act to protect young members despite clear warning signs.” One of the disturbing and unsettling patterns within these scandals is the practice of leaders within these organizations to silence those who come forward, to not even speak of such heinous spiritual abuse, and to attempt to insulate exposure so as to protect the man/woman of God and to protect the movement. There are some who have even claimed that to speak of such things and to make such allegations is rooted in the accuser of the brethren. Rick Joyner has been on record in saying such things online, particularly pertaining to Mike Bickle.

As more information comes out and more is exposed, there is great sorrow and great relief that the darkness is being exposed by the light of truth. Though one leader has expressed this as “how the mighty have fallen,” I do not believe that these leaders were ever mighty, except in their own sight. Men such as Bickle were influenced by other men, such as Bob Jones, who was a recognized prophet in this movement and who also faced sexual misconduct allegations in the 90’s. Jones had at least two women undress in his office so that he could give them a pure word from the Lord. Allegations have also been made that Jones told Bickle at one point that he could do anything he wanted with a woman except intercourse, and he would not lose his mantle. There is nothing mighty about any individual who would hold to such a belief and hold a position as a man of God.

I believe that this exposure is showing the rotten root system of this movement and that no good fruit can come from a bad tree. The abuse of Scripture by these leaders in order to fulfill sinful passions in the name of God is saddening and angering. The misappropriation of a passage such as “the gifts and callings are without repentance” excuses egregious sin against God and those who are entrusted as His sheep. There appears to be more of a focus on restoring an individual to a public platform instead of calling a predator to repentance and placing that individual outside of the church, as Scripture would instruct. This is not about being unloving to the one in sin, but loving God and others so that sin is addressed and not permitted to continue, bringing further harm to to others and reproach on the name of Christ.

Pray for those who have come forward and that they would receive what is needed for healing in their lives and they would hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ according to Scripture. Pray that the darkness is exposed by the truth and that the wolves are unrobed from their sheepskins. Pray that more people leave this movement and find solid local churches where the Word is ministered rightly divided and that people come to understand Biblical holiness and the reverential fear of God while resting in His mercy and abundant grace. Pray that Godly leaders will stand for God’s truth and righteousness rather than platforms and spiritual platitudes. We must not fear calling sexual abuse from spiritual leaders what it is: evil, and we must not resist in bringing this darkness into the light of truth.

Listen to this episode here: Abuse That Dares Not Speak Its – The Lovesick Scribe Podcast – Apple Podcasts

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