God’s Redemption in the Online World
It was October 25, 2020. I had received an email from an individual concerning an old “prophetic word” that I had written, and though the email was kind and seeming to be encouraging, a pit in my stomach ensued. This one email affirming this alleged prophetic revelation drove me to repentance as a false prophet. It also began the process of wanting these old words removed from a popular Charismatic media site. For several years now, dozens of these words were still available for public consumption online in spite of them no longer being available on my blog. They would slink back into the recesses of thoughts, but then another email would arrive in my inbox, reminding me of my past sins. These two things are true at the same time: God has forgiven me of my sins, and there are repercussions to our sins at times, especially when they are public.
Over the past several months, I had been actively pursuing the removal of these dozens of “prophetic words” online. It is a difficult thing when I could access them at the click of a button, but I could not remove them in the same manner. When individuals contacted me about them, God graciously provided an opportunity to repent and to point back to the gospel and back to His more sure Word of prophecy. To some, four years does not sound like a long time to wait for resolution, and I am reminded of God’s timing and His sovereignty over such things.
Yesterday was a surreal and emotional day as I sent an email once again to a well-known media outlet requesting that these words be removed and hours later receiving a response, telling me that all of the old posts had been removed. After receiving the news yesterday morning, the tears have flowed easily and frequently at times as I thank the Lord for His kindness and His grace in this matter. The Lord has shown me great mercy and grace in the past five years. Truth be told, He has shown me tremendous mercy and grace all along. He could have struck me dead for my sins against Him, and He would have been justified in His judgment. Yet, He granted me repentance and salvation. He delivered me from false teaching and from the penalty of sin as a false prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation.
He has used the presence of these old words in the past several years as opportunities to be brought low and to be further sanctified by the truth of His Word. He has provided opportunities to minister the truth to others, and He has reminded me of my need for Him daily in this process. Knowing that more people will not be led astray by those words brings great peace and joy personally. As I consider the grace and love of God, I am reminded of a song that moves me to tears because of what the final verse proclaims:
Would I gladly be made nothing
That Christ would be made more?
Would I seek the only kingdom
That far outweighs them all?
I will stand before my Father
Where the faithful saints have stood
And with joy, my heart shall praise Him
For His glory and my goodHis Glory and My Good- CityAlight
To God be all the glory!