
He Is Not Jealous for Me
You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. Exodus 20:5,6 ESV
For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14
Years later, I can still hear it. It is the click of the drumsticks as they initiated the tempo of the song and the anticipation of the crowd in attendance on the recording. The guitar and the cymbals came in gently with a melodic tune, and if you recognized the song, you knew what followed next. He is jealous for me. I remember singing that song dozens of times, getting lost in the experience and the words of it all even as a worship leader. It was a personal favorite. Little did I know that something was indeed lost on me, and that was the very first verse let alone most of the song. I sang it with passion and ignorance.
Few things breed contention more quickly than touching a beloved worship song that is a personal favorite. If I could be brutally honest, some of these songs we so desperately crave are our “sacred cows”, and I would submit to you that much of the current praise and worship music being pumped out is indeed praising and worshiping someone, but it is not God. We must come to the sobering truth that much has become more experiential and less reverential. There are lyrics that are moving further away from sound Biblical truth. We have place ourselves at the center while God pines over us, and we have no understanding of the jealousy of God. He is not jealous for us like we perceive. He is not our languishing boyfriend in desperate need of us. He is God Almighty. He is holy.
The first passage in Scripture to mention the word jealous is found in Exodus 20:5, and it is while God is delivering the ten commandments to Moses. It is divine instruction for the people in how they are to conduct themselves according to God. According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary, the Hebrew word here for jealous is “used to describe the character of the Lord. It is always used to describe God’s attitude toward the worship of false gods, which arouses His jealousy and anger in judgment against idol worshipers.” We come to find out in Exodus 34:14 that His name is Jealous. He detests worship directed to anything or anyone else other than to Him because worship belongs to God alone.
When it comes to idolatry, God is a consuming fire (Deuteronomy 4:24). This accompanies His jealousy. Continuously throughout Scripture, we find that God is stirred to jealousy for His name and for His people who are His own possession. This is not exclusive to the Old Testament just as the God of the Old Testament is not exclusive to the Old Testament. He is the same God in the New Testament who detests idolatry. Even Paul warned the church at Corinth against idolatry and provoking the Lord to jealousy (1 Corinthians 10:22).
God is jealous for us in the sense that we belong to Him and we live in the truth that we have been bought with a price and we are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are His own possession. He is jealous for His name to be glorified in those who belong to Him, and here is where I have genuine concern for those who gravitate to this aspect of worship. There is a poor understanding of the Jealous God. We envision Jesus Christ as our significant other who is enamored with us when we are to adore Him and to reverence Him as the King of Kings and the One who will judge the living and the dead. Yes, He is the Lamb, but let us not forget that He is also the Lion.
Yes, God does love those who belong to Him with an everlasting love and yet, we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Idolatry is still a problem today, and we have become the idol unintentionally. We have become an altar unto ourselves without realizing it. There is some beautifully composed music out there that is pleasing to the ears, but it is man centered, not Christ centered. This was personally convicting when I began to pay attention to what I was singing and realizing that much of it was about me with a peppering of God. Much of it was based on how the song made me feel and lifted me up rather than how it exalted the Lord. It was not intentional. I sincerely love the Lord, but we can be sincerely wrong.
I encourage you to pay attention to what you are singing to God. If the song is heavy on self but light on God, then we are offering worship and praise that provokes the jealousy of God. We are lifting up an idol. Reject the desire to think more highly of yourself than you ought. We are nothing without Him. May we return to sound Biblical praise and worship that is pleasing to the Lord, expressing pure adoration and love for the Savior who is worthy of all blessing, honor, and glory.
15 thoughts on “He Is Not Jealous for Me”
This is way out there… I understand what you are saying however worship is a spirit and truth directive. For those of us who grew up afraid of father figures ” that song” is a reminder of his kindness and tenderness.. this song says what my heart feels as I approach him. It’s a beautiful thing to be part of a love exchange between me and the Lord. I love on him, as he is loving on me to. Religious beliefs paint a one-sided fear of intimacy where we humans really don’t matter … This is wrong! I’m the center of his world and I get to reflect back on him the love he teaches me by his expression for me. I know nothing of love unless he teaches me. Then, I’m able to love him, myself and others. Please don’t complicate simple intimacy. His tenderness makes me want to be transparent, disrobe and share everything with him without fear. That’s something beàutiful and powerful to sing about. Blessings to you.
Hi, Jennifer. Thanks for your comment. Though I can sympathize with your perspective, I have to say that this post is dealing with our lack of the reverential fear and awe of the Lord and our lack of understanding of His holiness and His jealousy for His name. I am not exactly sure what to consider “way out there” when Scripture was shared in context to God’s jealousy. The truth is that we are not the center of His world, and there is no Scripture to support the belief that we are the center of His world. If we are the center of His world, then we have made a god for God to worship and to adore. This is wrong.
As stated in the post, He loves with an everlasting love, The Father also corrects and chastens those He loves, and if I may add that Christianity is a religion and those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are in right relationship with God (righteousness). He teaches us in His Word how to love, and He instructs us to worship in Spirit and in truth. True praise and worship is recognizing Him as the center while expressing the joy and the awe that we have the privilege to give Him what He deserves. Praise and worship is absolutely expressed in song, and it is also to be in word and deed in the mundane things of life as we glorify His name. Praise and worship that agrees with Scripture is acceptable praise and worship. Our feelings alone cannot be trusted. God bless you, Jennifer.
Wow! What a sobering message. If I had read this only 1 year ago I would have disagreed with you. But, in the past year, with my eyes opened to false doctrine (Prosperity, WOF, NAR etc) I learnt about God’s Sovereignty for the first time. Knowing and understanding God, as He should be known (I have also just completed reading through the whole Bible, over this year) I can see how this form of worship is idolatry (self worship). Thank you for *unpacking” the true meaning of God’s Jealousy. Keep writing and speaking His truth. Thank you, Dawn.
Thank you, Samantha! If I had read something like this a year or two ago, I would have disagreed as well. I am so thankful for the truth of His Word. Blessings to you!
This was a refreshing read. Thank you! In the early 2000’s I worked at a Christian bookstore and the latest in Christian music would be playing all day every day. Songs would change monthly when the record labels would send out their promo cds for in store play. After a couple years of listening to this music is dawned on me one day the amount of I-I-I and I’m gonna do this and You’re (as in God) gonna do that for me. It was really very people centered. Plus the whole, like you said, “Jesus is my boyfriend” was a bit odd to be listening to. Over time I wondered what it would be like if Christian musicians would start creating songs that were You-God-You and with little or no mention of people in the songs. Just all focus on how great God is. Maybe we’ll get there one day. / I do get what Jennifer above is saying about people with bad father views due to their earthly father and I agree somewhat. But after four and a half years of “I-me-God you’re gonna do this and that for me” it got to be too much and I wish that there would be a swing around of the mirror back to God. But I’ve not listened to much Christian music as I used to so I don’t know quite what the music trends are now. I had a thought once that it would be SO GREAT if churches would stop putting the worship teams on stage and have them down on the floor in front of the front row and they’d have their backs to the audience while EVERYONE sings to God. The stage would be empty and everyone would be focusing on God and looking at the cross that is usually on the wall behind the pulpit. This would put all focus on God, not man or the worship leader who may be trying to create a name for him or herself. I’m not sure how the sound stage people would be able to work that out but I bet with God’s help they could.
Hi Staci. There is a worship leader who does exactly what you said you’d like to see. If only I could remember who it was! I was searching for songs by someone and that lead me to his church’s page. He was leading worship but I couldn’t find him or the team at first, only saw the words being projected. Then I realized the team was all there at the same level as the congregation and they were all facing the forward; no one was looking at the worship team, they were not the focus. It was a refreshing find, but now I have no idea who it was.
Dawn, I never could grasp this song, much too poetic for me. The line “sloppy wet kiss” did nothing but remind me of the two drooling lecherous men that abused me between the ages of 8 and 11. Our worship music needs to be simple and pure without elements of romance or flesh.
“If the song is heavy on self but light on God, then we are offering worship and praise that provokes the jealousy of God.” So good. After coming through a season of intense conviction and pruning of my own self-idolatry, this really connects and is a natural extension. Thank you for sharing!
After everyone’s comments.
Sometimes, I wonder why God called me out of the bars. Praise God it was Him and not man. And that’s where my eyes need to stay.
I have seen in a dream / vision stadiums full of people worshipping but no human leads them but the Holy Spirit. I do not know exactly how it is possible but I believe we will see it one day.
There is such good truth to this! Anything that worships, feeds or glorifies “SELF” over God is idolatry. We should pay attention to not only the “false teachers or false prophets” that “tickle our ears” but also the worship. As we personally have come out of the NAR and WOF movements, I see this now more clearly! Thank your for loving us courageously enough to tell us the truth by what you write and teach! Blessings to you!! 🙏🏻
Linda H.
Thank you Dawn. I have been objecting to “me-centred” and “I” songs for a long time and am usually told I’m harsh, or “but it’s a nice tune” or they roll their eyes and keep on playing their “I” favourites. We are supposed to corporately and individually turn our eyes to Jesus and praise Him, lift up His holy name and glorify Him. There are many so-called Christian songs out there which a New Ager could happily sing along with because the occasional reference to “God” is so amorphous it could be anything to anyone. Jesus the son of God is much more specific but even His name is taken in songs as though he is some kind of genie in a bottle, or a benign force who will make our dreams come true. This post had me sitting in my seat thinking, “Yes! Yes!”. I hope the Church wakes up to its navel-gazing narcissism and realises they should turn their vision up and out to the risen Jesus and worship Him in their songs and words. What is missing too is the realisation that we, both individually and corporately are part of a planet-wide chorus of praise which joins with the heavenly chorus of worship and which the Lord hears. When I think of that, the vastness of so many voices lifted up and praising the Lord I can only be awed by the immensity of that and of our God and so humbled to be part of such a splendid choir.
Dawn, I appreciate your sensitivity to Holy Spirit and your desire to steer the church of Jesus back to Him. Worship has morphed immensely from where it was 30-40 years ago. From Red Back Hymnals to grunge look-alikes feels like a bad dream. While I love much about the contemporary sound & songs, a major issue for me is that even theologically sound lyrics and incredible vocals, etc. don’t seem to translate beyond the walls of church buildings. Many Christians are incredibly carnal, confused, and disconnected from the mission of the Church. I ask myself, “What would Jesus think about our worship?” Is it about Him, or are we just singing ourselves happy (but not holy)? I appreciate your sensitivity to touchy issues in the church, Dawn. Thank you for always making me uncomfortable! That’s a good thing!!
He is jealous for me. He is jealous for my affections, devotions, my time, my love…essentially everything that is wrapped up in what you said, and as what the scriptures describe, as idol worship, when devoted to another.
The only reference to “me” in this song is as being a tree that bends under the weight of who He really is, His glory, which then eclipses all afflictions I am dealing with…essentially pulling my gaze back to Him, because I realize just how beautiful He is and how great His love is for me. To sing of the Father’s love is a joy. No, I don’t particularly like the term “sloppy wet kiss” but it’s implying the kiss of the Father with the return of the prodigal. That’s how He loves…with zero restraint. This is one of the more “honest” songs about His love out there. The call right now from Him is to truly know Him. All of Him. That means the reverence and Holiness of Him on His throne, as well as the boldness of approaching as children because of the Blood of Jesus!; The Justice as well as the mercy. None of these “parts” of God can be taken in “part” because they work harmoniously together as One..the Son and the Spirit do not operate differently or in “part” either, being One with the Father. I totally understand where you’re coming from; I recently had a conversation with a precious lady coming away from a specific charismatic movement because of the lack of focus on Jesus, and myself having come out of the opposite end of the spectrum of church in rigidity; both are legalistic, claiming what the move of the Spirit in worship looks like, or should look like. Many who are delivered out of certain teachings have much to unlearn and often tend to head in the extreme of the other direction. Our attention on Him keeps that beautiful balance of worshipping in Spirit and in truth. It’s ok if you don’t like this song, there are many I don’t like, but please be cautious for those who bow down, break their jars open and worship Him, because He loved them much. He was jealous for me in my wandering and His mercy and kindness bent me toward Jesus. I am daily overwhelmed at how He loves me. It’s worship like this that will endear the world and beckon them to come, trembling, to a kind and merciful God who could love them like that; Who does love them like that.
Thank you for setting my mind to ponder these things this morning!
Yes! ❤️
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