Resources Post NAR

Resources Post NAR

The following resources are compiled to provide sound Biblical teaching and to offer some help in navigating questions you may have after coming out of the hyper Charismatic/NAR movement. You will find topic headers for your convenience. This page will continue to have updated information added to it, so feel free to check back periodically.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Finding a Church

Searching for a new church? – Michelle Lesley

Women’s Ministry Recommendations

Michelle Lesley: Discipleship for women Michelle Lesley – Discipleship for Christian Women

Susan Heck: With the Master Home (

Amy Spreeman: Berean Research Welcome! – Berean Research

Here is an excellent Biblical podcast for women:

A Word Fitly Spoken | Podcasts | A Word Fitly Spoken

Snatched from the Flames (a women’s discipleship group): for information.

To join this free women’s discipleship/support group, please contact via email

Finding a Biblical counselor

Find a Biblical Counselor Near You – ACBC

Media Resources

American Gospel

Here is a YouTube link to the first 40 minutes of American Gospel: Christ Alone:

American Gospel: Christ Alone (Free Chapter) – YouTube

For the Gospel

YouTube Channel


This blog post from Costi Hinn provides abundant resources for those coming out of NAR and WOF consisting of podcasts, articles, videos and more:

Holly Pivec’s site

Holly Pivec

She and Doug Geivett also have two books which are very inciteful for understanding the NAR:

Doug Geivett and Holly Pivec have published a new book in 2022, Counterfeit Kingdom. It is another great and helpful resource.

Here is an excellent interview regarding the New Apostolic Reformation: (4) F4F | Interview with Doug Geivett and Holly Pivec – YouTube

Regarding The Passion Translation

These are some teachings concerning the Passion Translation. Though I am no longer a Charismatic, I appreciated the work Mike Winger has done in researching and discussing this important topic.

My Concerns About The Passion Translation and Brian Simmons – YouTube

Exposing the Agenda and Origins of “The Passion Translation” – YouTube

Doreen Virtue

YouTube channel

Here are a few videos from her channel:

Are Deliverance Ministries Biblical? Jim Osman of “Truth or Territory” – YouTube

The Story Behind “American Gospel” – Interview with Brandon Kimber – YouTube

How to Discern Biblical Truth: Pastor Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith – YouTube

Former NAR Prophetess tells all – YouTube

Addressing Related Topics and Teachings

Reaching Those Caught in Deception (Costi Hinn):

Costi Hinn, Benny’s nephew, gives practical advice for helping a loved one escape false teaching. (

(9) Avoiding Charismatic Chaos by Properly Interpreting the Book of Acts – YouTube

(43) Why Do You Call Out False Teachers? | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters | EP 131 – YouTube

(3) Lyndon Unger – History of the Charismatic Movement – YouTube


R.C. Sproul: If God Is Sovereign, How Can Man Be Free? – YouTube

(3) F4F | Open Theism and the NAR – YouTube

Bible / Bible Study Topics:

(6) How To Study The Bible | Voddie Baucham | Adult Bible Class – YouTube

Book Recommendation for those dealing with fear, worry, and anxiety:

Consider the Lilies: Finding Perfect Peace in the Character of God: Ardavanis, Jonny, Sinclair B. Ferguson: 9780310368243: Books

(18) How to Study the Bible | Ep. 86 – YouTube

Modern Apostles and the NAR:

Ephesians 4:11 Commentary | Precept Austin

The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation (

(21) How Do We Hear From God Session 4: The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation – YouTube

America’s False Prophets and Apostles (Psalm 19) (

Are There Modern-Day Apostles? – Apologetics Press

The Protestant Reformation vs. The New Apostolic Reformation (Costi Hinn):

(149) Chris Rosebrough – New Apostolic Reformation – YouTube

EP 109 | The Truth About the NAR w/ Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett | Redeeming Truth – YouTube

Apostles and Prophets and the Foundation of the Church (

Deliverance Ministry:

The Devil and Demons (Part 1 of 2) – 08/15/23 – YouTube

The Devil and Demons (Part 2 of 2) – 08/16/23 – YouTube

(122) How to Resist the Devil, Part 1 – YouTube

(122) How to Resist the Devil, Part 2 – YouTube

How Deliverance Ministries Lead People to Bondage (

Can Christians Cast Out Demons? | Ligonier Ministries

Should I Be Casting Out Demons? | G3 Ministries

(2) Exposing the Dangerous Theology of Come Out in Jesus Name Movie – YouTube

(2) Generational Curses Biblical Truth – YouTube

Spiritual Warfare:

Truth or Territory by Jim Osman

What the Bible Has to Say About Spiritual Warfare by Dean and Ice

Prophetic Ministry:

The Prophetic Calling of Every Believer (

False Prophets and False Prophecy | by Andreas Wiget | Jul, 2023 | Medium

God Doesn’t Whisper by Jim Osman

EMA 2010: discussion about prophecy on Vimeo (Wayne Grudem and Ian Hamilton)

How to Hear from Heaven (Justin Peters):

Scripture vs. Human Experience (Phil Johnson):

Sozo/Inner Healing:

Critical Issues Commentary: Why Theophostic Prayer Ministry is Neither Prayer Nor Christian (

Abusing Memory by Jane Gumprecht


(16) What is the gift of tongues? Is speaking in tongues the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? – YouTube

Were Tongues Real Languages? | The Cripplegate

(16) Failed Pentecostal Missionary Tongues – YouTube

(16) Writing In Tongues Examined – YouTube

(16) Modern Speaking in Tongues Refuted @Doreen_Virtue – YouTube

(149) The Tongues Delusion – YouTube

(2) The Truth About Speaking in Tongues | Costi Hinn – YouTube

Spiritual Abuse:


“When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community from Emotional and Spiritual Abuse” by Chuck DeGroat

“Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church” by Michael J. Kruger

Detox: Steps to Mature After a Megachurch Ministry (Mission Bible Church series)


Costi Hinn Exposes False Worship (UNCUT Interview):

The Marks of Spirit-Led Worship (Costi Hinn):

(38) “Why our church no longer plays Bethel or Hillsong music,” Pastor explains false teachings – YouTube


praying_declaring_decreeing.pdf (

Praying the Bible: Whitney, Donald S.: 9781433547843: Books

Spiritual Disciplines: How to Get the Most Out of Your Prayer Life — For the Gospel

A Guide to Prayer by Isaac Watts | Banner of Truth USA

A Simple Acrostic for Prayer: A.C.T.S. (

Sanctification/Fellowship/Intimacy with Christ:

Spiritually Living, Yet Still Stinking (Selected Scriptures) (

(21) How To Know If You’re Really Saved | Alistair Begg – YouTube

What Does “Coram Deo” Mean? (

How Pietism deceives Christians (

Being and Becoming by W. Duncan Rankin (

What Does It Mean to Abide in Christ? (

Life Coram Deo | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at

‘Without the Holy Spirit We May as Well Burn our Bibles’ – Banner of Truth USA

Miracles, Signs, and Wonders:

Counterfeit Miracles (Mission Bible Church series)

Did a False Teacher Heal You? — For the Gospel

Spiritual Gifts: (Continuationism and Cessationism are secondary beliefs among born-again believers.)

The Biblical Pattern for Spiritual Gifts (Shepherd’s House AZ series)Part 1: 2: 3: 4:

Cessationism with David Lovi | A Word Fitly Spoken

(38) Cessationism | Ep. 62 – YouTube

(38) Debate: Have the New Testament Charismatic Gifts Ceased? – YouTube

Jonathan Edwards and Why I am a Cessationist – Founders Ministries

(17) Session 4: John Reuther – A Biblical Theology of the Spirit’s Work – YouTube

What Is the Gift of Discernment, or Distinguishing, of Spirits? by Don Stewart (

(16) How would you persuade someone that the sign gifts have ceased? – YouTube

Living the Cessationist Life – Founders Ministries

cessationism — Pastor’s Study — Phoenix United Reformed Church (

William Branham:

(149) The NAR Hopes You Never See This! My Interview with Former Branham Cult Members – YouTube

(149) Proof That William Branham Was a False Prophet – YouTube

Converging Apostasy: Jane Lead’s Influence on the NAR – Episode 94 Wm. Branham Research (




True Revival and False Revival by Sean Michael Lucas (

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