The Faulty Paths of The Final Quest
What would you do if someone claimed to have had an extraordinary dream or trance where the last great spiritual battle of the end times was seen in great detail, and the strategies of the enemy against the church were revealed? How would you respond to someone who likened this alleged prophetic revelation to the American Civil War, where Christians would be divided against one another as Blues (spiritual) and Grays (intellectual), and those who opposed the next great move of God would be removed? Rick Joyner, the leader and founder of Morning Star Ministries, is well-known for his popular book, The Final Quest, which tells of a dream that he said took place in 1995 over a year’s time. This book became an installment in a trilogy later released by Joyner.
Numerous well-known leaders within the Charismatic movement and those who would fall under the category of the New Apostolic Reformation have endorsed this book in a positive manner, encouraging followers and congregants to get this book and read it for its claimed revelatory insight. However, upon further examination, this book brings questions to light that are in all fairness, welcomed by Joyner at the end of the introduction. At the same time, regarding his ability to recall details, Joyner states in the introduction, “I consider my memory of details to be one of my greatest weaknesses. At times I have questioned my memory about certain details in this vision, and you should therefore have the liberty to question some of them too.” Rightfully so, he states that only Scripture should be viewed as infallible. However, what are we to make of Joyner’s claims in this book if he questions his own memory regarding alleged details? Furthermore, the details were first released by Joyner’s ministry in a prophetic bulletin and in the Morning Star Journal in three parts called The Hordes of Hell are Marching. Due to great public interest and Joyner claiming that many people requested the articles in a published book, he sought the Lord further in order to “fill in all that had been left out of the condensed versions.” It was during this time that he says Parts IV and V came to fruition from further prophetic insight.
Joyner also claims that much of this prophetic revelation came during a trance, which he states is one of the highest levels of prophetic revelation. This seems to contradict his claim that it first came to him in a dream, as these are not one in the same. He has also stated his belief that “any prophetic revelation is not for the purpose of establishing doctrine. We have the Scripture for that.” Upon reading his book, the argument could be made that his prophetic revelation does indeed establish doctrine according to his beliefs about those who would oppose the next great move of God. Furthermore, prophecy found in Scripture does contribute to our fundamental doctrinal beliefs concerning Jesus Christ, such as the virgin birth, Jesus’s crucifixion for our sins, His burial, and His resurrection from the dead. Additionally, the contents of Revelation have led to several eschatological viewpoints that are debated and discussed. To state that prophecy is not for establishing doctrine actually contradicts Scripture.
There are many areas in this book where Joyner claims that the Lord spoke to him directly, whether as a physical person named Wisdom, or when Joyner claims that he was before the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Are we permitted to call that into question? Are we to assume that when Joyner claims that the Lord spoke to him that this is authoritative for all believers? Or are we to put it on a shelf and reject it if it does not bear witness with us personally? In the modern prophetic movement, many are encouraged in practicing prophecy and that fallible prophecy is Biblical and acceptable. Ultimately, you become your own barometer for truth, meaning that if the word does not bear witness with you, or if it does not confirm what God has already told you, then you do not have to listen to a prophecy claiming to be from God. Little to any testing of claimed prophetic words transpires. What then prevents someone from rejecting what Scripture has to say when leaders in this movement have now made concessions for God speaking authoritatively?
What else can you expect when reading this book? Well, Rick Joyner tells of demons riding on Christians in the enemy’s army. He tells of vultures flying over these Christians and vomiting Condemnation on them, which these same people believe is from the Holy Spirit. He says that the demons riding on Christians urinate and defecate on them. He tells of arrows of Truth penetrating these Christians that are fired by him and other Christians on a mountaintop, only resulting in rage from these believers and demonic empowerment upon them. He tells of touching specific-colored stones in rooms designated with specific meanings, and how they made him feel as he envisioned events such as Gethsemane.
Though he mentions feelings of selfishness and a lack of Christ centeredness, he also describes angels bowing down to him in response to his mantle of authority and humility, and he reports conversations with those who are in heaven as he approaches the Judgment Seat of Christ. Among those individuals was a Reformer’s wife, and Joyner states that he had a strong desire to worship this woman due to her purity. He speaks of one man who asks for Rick’s forgiveness in opposing his ministry and others, stating that his pursuit of exposing them was bringing him down the road of perdition. He also alleges a conversation with Apostle Paul, where Paul tells Joyner that what he has written should be not used as the foundation, and Joyner and others are “now THEIR (the cloud of witnesses) hope.”
At one point in his alleged discussion with Wisdom, who is said to be Jesus Christ, Joyner is told, “To be entrusted with My Words is to be entrusted with the power by which the universe is held together…In all your endeavors, remember that the importance of a single Word from God to man is of more value than all of the treasures of earth. You must understand and teach My brethren to respect the value of My Word. As one who is called to carry My Words, you must also respect the value of your own words. Those who carry the truth must be true.” It would seem that Joyner’s writing equates the written Word of God with modern prophetic utterances, and this contradicts what is taught in the modern prophetic movement. It is my contention that Joyner does establish doctrine by his own writing in this book, and his claimed prophetic revelation is used to interpret Scripture rather than allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture.
It is also concerning that Rick Joyner compares what takes place in this dream/trance to the American Civil War. There is a not-so-subtle undertone in this book that those who oppose the coming move of God are demonically driven and are essentially enemies to those who would embrace what is said to be from the Lord. As an admitted history lover, Joyner equates much in the Civil War to this claimed prophetic revelation, stating in a prophetic bulletin written in 1996 that spiritual leaders like Abraham Lincoln will be raised up by the Lord who are “willing to fight a civil war so that the union may be preserved.” He even goes so far as to divide people into the Blue and the Gray, stating that “In dreams and visions blue often represents heavenly mindedness (i.e., the sky is blue), and gray speaks of those who live by the power of their own minds (i.e., the brain is often called “gray matter”). This will be a conflict between those who may be genuine Christians, but who live mostly according to their natural minds and human wisdom, and those who follow the Holy Spirit.”
From necromancy, which is forbidden in Scripture (Leviticus 19:26, 20:27, Deuteronomy 18:10-11), to contradictions, self-exaltation, disturbing imagery, additions to the original prophetic revelation, and claiming that God spoke directly to Rick Joyner, numerous concerns are present, and it should lead us to test this book against the more sure Word of prophecy, which is Scripture. We can be encouraged to rest in the sufficiency of Scripture and to know that God has told us all that we need for life and Godliness. He has revealed all that we need to know for the last days, and this book is not only unnecessary, but it undermines the sufficiency of Scripture while bringing division in the process. In all actuality, those who would question his book are those who are fighting on the side of the enemy. Division will certainly come, and while false teaching divides needlessly, the truth of the written Word of God divides precisely.
Listen to these in-depth podcast episodes regarding The Final Quest: An Introductory Look at The Fi – The Lovesick Scribe Podcast – Apple Podcasts
The Final Quest Part 1 – The Lovesick Scribe Podcast – Apple Podcasts
Examining The Final Quest- Par – The Lovesick Scribe Podcast – Apple Podcasts
2 thoughts on “The Faulty Paths of The Final Quest”
Always had a problem with this. There was a time I received his monthly journal and went to one of his conferences. But after that things just seemed off. I stepped away from his teachings. To follow would lead down a destructive path.
“He tells of touching specific-colored stones in rooms” I think he was just binge watching the old t.v. show Land of The Lost . XD Why should we believe this weird imagery?
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