The Rise of One Million Esthers for America
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
Esther 4:14 is a well-known verse, quoted by many and viewed as even personal encouragement today. Many people have a desire to be part of something bigger than themselves, and the thought that we were born for such a time as this in order to do great exploits for God can hold great appeal. On October 12, 2024, a gathering is set to take place in Washington D.C. where one million women are being called to pray and to make “one last stand” for America’s salvation on the day of Atonement, a Jewish feast. As part of this event, prayer hubs are being formed, and an Esther fast is being held on April 11-13. Some of the leaders associated with this gathering are referencing Esther 4:13 as significant for the date of the planned fast. As Esthers, they are being called to save this next generation of children through their attendance in prayer and fasting.
I wanted to offer some thoughts on gatherings such as these, which have occurred numerous times in years past. Based on simple observation, various events have taken place where stadiums or venues are filled, and multitudes are led in songs of worship and corporate prayers addressing national sins. People are told that the next great move of God is on the horizon, focusing on the rise of the Nazirites or the John the Baptist generation with Jesus the evangelist performing miracles, signs, and wonders. There have even been claims based on dreams, visions, and impartation that the Communion Revival is underway around the world, focusing on receiving corporate communion among Protestants and Roman Catholics.
When observing these things, there appear to be elements of revivalism in these events. There is also an undercurrent of dominion theology, especially if any of the seven mountains of influence are referenced as needing to be conquered. The call for unity seems steeped in ecumenism. There is identification repentance being practiced, and much like Scriptures pertaining to God’s covenant with Israel, America is treated in like fashion within this movement. There are professing modern-day apostles and prophets affiliated with these gatherings, as has been noted through the years. In telling people they are akin to Bible figures of the past, there is a practice of reading oneself into the text, potentially lead to self-exaltation and assuming the position of our merits saving people rather than a Christocentric gospel message. Though there is great zeal being demonstrated, there are things to consider in light of Scripture.
Descriptive accounts in Scripture are encouraging for our faith in God who is Sovereign and faithful to His Word. At the same time, it should bring us great consolation to know that salvation is not dependent upon us, and we are not called to be the next Esther or Mordecai. America is not Israel, and we can be comforted to know that we are not responsible for the sins of our ancestors or those in times past. We are responsible for our sins alone. We are comforted in knowing that Christ’s return is not based on us conquering areas of influence within our culture. Even though many would deny God and never acknowledge His existence or sovereignty, we are edified in the truth that He is not dependent upon their acknowledgment. This is His world, and He is Lord of all.
We should certainly be passionate for God’s Word and for others to hear His glorious gospel and to come to saving faith in Him. We should be fervent in prayer for our leaders and for issues within our culture where sin and wickedness pervade society. We should be a light in the midst of darkness. If we can learn anything from this, we can understand the urgency of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and the command of Scripture to pray. It is important that our zeal is not without knowledge, and it is also important that we not lose our zeal for the Lord in obtaining knowledge or understanding.
Ladies, be encouraged: you cannot save your children. God is the One who can save them, and what they need most is to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. They need the truth of His Word concerning their identity in your womb where God knitted them together, and they need to hear that there is no other name by which we must be saved. They need to hear of the One who has atoned for their sins once for all, and no further sacrifice is necessary for salvation. Though we do carry a burden for our children and what the future may hold, we can rest in the peace of God. Pray, trusting in the Lord that He is the One who will soften their hearts and bring them from death to life. You do not have to gather at a specific place and time for God to hear your prayers. You’re not Esther. There is only one Savior, and He is sovereign.
Listen to this in-depth episode discussing the Million Women Move hosted by Lou Engle: The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: The Rise of One Million Esthers for America on Apple Podcasts
4 thoughts on “The Rise of One Million Esthers for America”
This is VERY concerning. I am afraid that many women will jump on this bandwagon because they have no discernment. They have zeal without knowledge. I fear that their pastors will not warn them for fear of making members angry. I’m afraid that many pastors don’t even know what the NAR is.
Thank you for speaking out! God bless you, Dawn!
I pray healing to your heart and the spirit of revelation to wake you up to who the true enemy is!
Love the Lord of God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Let’s not function with an auto immune disease and attack our own body. Praise God he is moving in/on the hearts of the ecclesia to stand for the freedom. Freedom He died to give us. Freedom that we’ve enjoyed here in our country and the freedom that is being challenged for this next generation. I employ you to watch “letter to the American church “.
Check out Meri Crowley’s interview with Folake Kellogg on Rumble last week. You will hear how God has been speaking. Let’s not be Pharisees and limit what God can do, and judge how he wants to do it.
Let’s use the conquering spirit we’ve been given to fight the true enemy!
My apologies. I was out of town when this posted with my family and did not know you had posted a comment. Your comments are now up and visible. I have no problem with those who disagree with me, unless they threaten me or use profanity.
If you could point me to what was stated that contradicted Scripture, I would appreciate it. That seems more constructive than name calling in a passive aggressive way. You are pointing me to self-professing modern-day prophets. I would point you back to the more sure Word of prophecy, which is the Word of God. It tells of true freedom. God bless!
Do you only post replies that you agree with?
I submitted mine several days ago, will it not show up on the site?
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