Failed Weather Decrees and the Devastation of Hurricane Helene

Failed Weather Decrees and the Devastation of Hurricane Helene

It was only a week ago that I sat on my screened in back porch and watched the wind and the heavy rain wash over our land in southwest Virginia while our home remained intact in semi-darkness, interspersed with flashlights and the sound of trees breaking in the distance. Hurricane Helene had touched down in Florida the night before and had made its way inland further than anyone had anticipated. None of us knew the devastation that would transpire in…

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God’s Redemption in the Online World

God’s Redemption in the Online World

It was October 25, 2020. I had received an email from an individual concerning an old “prophetic word” that I had written, and though the email was kind and seeming to be encouraging, a pit in my stomach ensued. This one email affirming this alleged prophetic revelation drove me to repentance as a false prophet. It also began the process of wanting these old words removed from a popular Charismatic media site. For several years now, dozens of these words…

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Digital Lynching- Touch Not God’s Anointed 2.0

Digital Lynching- Touch Not God’s Anointed 2.0

“Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.” Psalm 105:15, 1 Chronicles 16:22 NASB We live in a day and time when information can be found at the click of a button, where videos and moments can go viral for good or bad reasons. We live in a time when sound Biblical teaching can be accessed on demand and where false teaching finds viral inroads through wireless connections. With the rise of digital technology, this spiritual…

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A Story of Hope in Christ Post-NAR

A Story of Hope in Christ Post-NAR

Recently, I sat down with a friend and sister in Christ who had exited a popular women’s group within the hyper charismatic/ NAR movement two years ago. After developing a friendship and getting to know one another for about a year after her departure, Trish felt comfortable sitting down to tell her story and to discuss some of the teachings that she had been exposed to in the Core Group. It has been a year since that first recorded discussion,…

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NAR Books- What We Read Matters

NAR Books- What We Read Matters

I love books. It is not uncommon to find small stacks of books sitting around my house waiting to be read. I have a bad habit of buying new books that pique my interest, creating a new pile of books with pristine spines and pages yet to see dog eared corners and the trails of highlighter to mark the insight within. The types of books that I purchase and eventually read for personal growth have changed dramatically over the last…

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Weighing in on American Gospel’s NAR Roundtable

Weighing in on American Gospel’s NAR Roundtable

Is the New Apostolic Reformation a myth or a movement? This was the overarching topic during a previously filmed roundtable released as part of the upcoming docuseries, American Gospel: Spirit and Fire. Doug Geivett and Holly Pivec, who have written several books surrounding the topic of NAR, had an extended discussion with Michael Brown, an opponent to the existence of this movement and a friend and colleague to many who are labeled as practitioners in this movement. There were numerous…

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Is There Hope After Spiritual Abuse?

Is There Hope After Spiritual Abuse?

The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call out to Him in truth. Psalm 145:18 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 Many of us have stories that we could share in coming out of some facet of spiritual abuse. This type of pain is not exclusive to a particular movement or belief system. Though it can seem as if we are all alone and the only one who is…

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The Doctrine of Charismatic Witchcraft

The Doctrine of Charismatic Witchcraft

Years ago, a well-known and acknowledged leader in the New Apostolic Reformation movement, released a video discussing how to recognize the signs of a church controlled by witchcraft. A series of questions were posed in the teaching such as, does the leadership curse people who leave the church? Does the leadership teach that God will speak to them before He speaks to you? Does the leadership curse people who leave the church? Does the leadership teach that they are the…

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Return of the Trump Prophets

Return of the Trump Prophets

“The bullets were fired at 6:11pm. Ephesians 6:11.” This is one of several social media posts circulating online after the recent events on July 13th, 2024. The assassination attempt on President Trump has caused quite a stir in various arenas of society, and this is most certainly true within the modern prophetic movement. Whether it is ascribing numerological meaning to the events surrounding Trump, such as Ephesians 6:11 or passages in Leviticus where blood was applied to the right ear…

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Judge Not, Unless It’s a Pharisee

Judge Not, Unless It’s a Pharisee

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You…

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