

Welcome to this blog! I want to thank you for visiting and for reading. God has graciously gifted me with writing, and this is a way by which I minister for the glory of God. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, a wife, a mother, and a sinner saved by grace. After coming out of a hyper charismatic/NAR church where I spent 18 years, I am passionate about sharing the truth with the written Word as the standard of authority for Christian living and instructions while being led by the Holy Spirit into maturity.

The purpose of this blog is to point women back to Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word. Much of my ministry is to women who have come out of the hyper charismatic/NAR church or are asking questions regarding this movement. 

When testifying of Jesus Christ, we are to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others may truly know Him by grace through faith in Him alone.  The Word of God is the sure prophetic Word leading to Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:19-21). His Word is truth, and we are to worship in Spirit and in truth. We are also to test all things and to stand upon the Word of God as our foundation of truth. 

I appreciate you visiting my page, Lovesick Scribe. I pray it blesses you as you draw closer to Jesus Christ, knowing Him as your Lord and Savior while studying the Scriptures.
For those with questions about women’s ministry regarding social media and blogging, check out this article from Michelle Lesley: Are Female Bloggers Violating Scripture by “Teaching” Men? – Michelle Lesley

I invite you to subscribe to Lovesick Scribe by joining my email list.

You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram.

Let wrath deserved be written on the door of hell, but the free gift of grace on the gate of heaven. – Valley of Vision

32 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Dawn….my name is Jo-Ann and I, too, keep a journal after a powerful experience I had with the Lord years ago!! So nice to connect with you, all the way from Canada!! 🙂

  2. Not only is your blog a thing of beauty to my eyes but one of beauy to my soul as well. This day the Lord has used you as a stir stick in His hand, that voice of confirmation and encouragement needed to bring clarity to the surface. Thank you for being obedient to Father God.

  3. There is so much depth to your writings, I wondered if you journal..love the name Lovesick Scribe. What a blessing, thank you for pouring out and sharing with others.

  4. Thanks for keeping it simple and real. You have poured out a lot into my life in just a few minutes. You are a blessing I never expected to receive on this rainy weekend. I thank God for you. Continue doing this for the utmost glory of God!

  5. Good morning, Lovesick. I just read the post about the broken vessel. I am a broken vessel. I have been in the dark night of the soul for some years now. God has given me many lessons to learn. My pride seems to keep getting in my way. Please pray for me that I can finally learn these lessons and fly closer to His heart. I want nothing more than for my beautiful Lord and Savior to be proud of me. I want to be so lost in Him that nothing is separating us, nothing between us. As I read back over this post there are so many ‘I’ statements that it is nauseating. There in lies the problem… I, me. Help me pray to get there. Thanks

    1. Good morning, Carla. Thank you for contacting me. I will agree with you that you continue to surrender to Him and that you understand how much in love with you He is. I understand your perspective all too well. He is so faithful to answer our cries and our desire for Him. Keep pressing! Blessings to you

  6. First of all, I have never heard of you. That doesn’t mean much in today’s world. There are many women and men that claim to be prophet’s of the Lord. I am a Christian man Born/Again, Spirit Filled, and Speak in Tongues. The Lord our God has truly Blessed me also. So, I will follow you somewhat to hear what you have to say. I do follow one person whom I have been with for over 35 years. His name is Andrew Wommack. Renowned prophet, evangelist, preacher, expounder of the Word in teaching with the simplicity that affords it. Blessing to you and God is Good all the Time which I myself have learned through trials.
    In His Majesties Service – Adam

    1. Hi, Adam. Thanks for writing! I am not surprised you haven’t heard of me and that is quite all right. My goal is not to be known, but to make Jesus known and to declare His heart and revelation from Holy Spirit. My first priority is as His child first. The calling as a prophet takes a backseat to my identity as a child of God and a bride to the Bridegroom. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to read what I release. I do not take lightly what I release and I serve under an apostolic Spirit filled covering where I am held accountable and encouraged to grow in my relationship with Christ. I hope my writings bless you and stir up a passion on the inside of you even more for His Presence. Have a blessed day.

  7. Hi there!

    It’s a blessing to know another blogger who has the same desire of sharing what God is saying for our generation today. I came from the Philippines and I hope to get to know your work as well through your blog!

  8. I LOVE IT! I subscribed by email and I was introduced to you through an Elijah List entry – “Prophetic Scribe: You are arrows in the quiver of the Lord.”

  9. Love it, love it! Awesome! I am always thrilled to come across a heart that is so connected to His Heart. I came across you on Elijalist, yesterday, your blogs are are straight from the heart of God. It’s deep calling unto deep. I journal every day. You have encouraged me to step out into the deep! Thank you for hearing and obeying his voice.

  10. I am so glad I found your blog through your recent Elijah List “The Devil is Roaring But I Hear Our Roar of Intercession”. I am so looking forward to receiving your emails and reading previous post when I have some spare time. I have been a Christian for 18 years now and am longing to get back to my first love after a couple of seasons of burn out and feeling I’m in the wilderness. I often hear talk of the secret place but can’t seem to get any real answers on how to get to my secret place in Him – any suggestions or advice you could give me would be great appreciated, thanks for your time, blessings Katherine xox

  11. I love your blog and read it as soon as I can. You are a real blessing to me and meets me where I am. Lovesick Scribe runs deeper than mine, which God seems to give for those who aren’t ready for real steak and still need ground meat. However, I feel He’s told me I’ll be going deeper in mine and am grateful for that. My blog is DailyGod.net.

  12. Just discovered you tonight because your word about NK. Love your heart and look forward to reading the treasures you share in your blog.

  13. I love your blog, it’s clean in heart and straight forward, being in his PRESENCE continually and Loving unconditionally, is my heart’s desires,.His annointing in us & through us is Powerful when we are obedient to His direction and leading. for our journey in this life,,Interceeding in prayer for all of God’s people to experience a deeper intimacy with Abba Father God through out the Nations, We declare this is the moment and Season we all come together in Christ’s Love for each other as one body united we shall stand and not be removed, in the Mighty Name of Jesus we all pray,.

  14. Hi Dawn, I just stumbled on your site through the internet as I was looking up about “embers”. Last night I was in prayer and saw a picture of these embers of fire and this wind coming and blowing on them. I think I was praying for my kids at the time. That’s how I came across your article on “ember attack”. Now just praying this through to see what the Lord is showing me. You article was very insightful and I noticed to how it was posted almost exactly two years ago. Thanks so much for sharing !!! God bless! Yvonne McDonald (Canada)

  15. I came to this via Tim Challies blog and when you mentioned that you were in a hyper-Charismatic congregation for 18 years I perked up. Thanks for sharing what you do.

  16. “Tent of Meeting” came across my thoughts, I paint a little and am growing closer to the Lord as I work with these creative hands I was given. I found your Blog 🙂 “googling about the tent…. Mr Moses has been a person on my mind quite a bit lately, I am enjoying your words.

  17. Hello
    My Name is Sue, I’m a retired RN and disabled. I want to go back to school and get my BA in Biblical Studies. I wanted to know what school you went to for apologetics or biblical studies.
    I love your podcast. You are so articulate, you make it look easiy.

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