Can Prophets Have Demons?
The modern deliverance movement rests on the premise that born-again believers in Christ are in need of demonic expulsion. Leaders holding this to belief teach people that deliverance maintenance every few months is necessary, which is sometimes referred to in these circles as a “tune up”. Generational curses are a commonality, and numerous spirits are on the rampage, from Leviathan to Jezebel. There seem to be growing facets of this movement, and now there is a teaching and practice emerging that professing modern-day prophets are also in need of deliverance from indwelling demons.
Though there is a separate discussion as to whether there are modern prophets today, the main focus here is this teaching of deliverance to such individuals. This belief relies on Bible verses, such as 1 Timothy 1:15, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” Some teach that since Paul acknowledged being the chief of sinners, he was admitting his need for cleansing and deliverance from demons. But Paul never mentions needing an indwelling demon expelled. Rather, he acknowledged his sin, remembering his need for Christ and for His gospel of salvation.
There is an increased focus on the Jezebel spirit, which is said to target prophets today, and there are warnings from some of these leaders that a prophet could partner with the Jezebel spirit and operate in a demonic way. The teaching goes that the higher in rank of the prophet, the greater the principality against that prophet. There are frequent references to Revelation 2 where the church is said to have “tolerated that woman Jezebel.” However, there is no mention anywhere in Scripture of a Jezebel spirit, and the woman in Revelation 2 was given time to repent, which would not apply to an individual who has already passed away. Sadly, it would seem that there is a greater focus on demonic spirits such as Jezebel within these beliefs than on Jesus Christ and His gospel which brings deliverance from the penalty and the power of sin.
Elijah’s fleeing to a cave in 1 Kings 18 is also used a prooftext in order to say that Elijah needed deliverance. However, we do not see any evidence of this being the case. If Elijah needed indwelling demons cast out of him, why was this not done in the presence of God at the mouth of the cave? There is even the teaching that Elijah caused the wind and the earthquake due to his emotional instability, because the Lord was not in those elements. However, it would seem that this natural phenomenon occurred to show the imminent presence of God (Exodus 19:16-19, Psalm 18:7-15). By allowing for such beliefs and misrepresentation of Scripture, this introduces the teaching that prophets in the Bible had indwelling demons.
It is important to take time when Scripture is mentioned for any teaching, especially in this instance. A simple reading of passages used to support this teaching quickly reveals that this belief is unfounded and unbiblical. It would also place two kingdoms at work within a born-again believer, thus bringing division and confusion. Though we are certainly in a fallen world as believers, we engage in spiritual warfare from without, not from within. For those who are in Christ, we have been delivered from the tyranny of Satan, and we belong to Jesus Christ. True prophets of God did not have indwelling demons. They were human just like the rest of us with struggles and weaknesses, but they were empowered by the Spirit of the Lord at times to speak with authority and infallibly. To say that born-again believers need deliverance from demons diminishes the power of the gospel, and it diminishes the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. The Holy Spirit is very much active in our lives, and this brings great comfort and encouragement to know and to understand this.
Where does Scripture discuss prophets of God ever needing deliverance from indwelling demons? It doesn’t. That is our final authority on the matter.
Listen to this in-depth podcast episode concerning this current teaching: The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: Can Prophets Have Demons? on Apple Podcasts
2 thoughts on “Can Prophets Have Demons?”
There are no modern day prophets. Secondly, born again Christians cannot have demons because they are filled with the HOLY Spirit of the Almighty God.
Yes, there are many people who claim the title “prophet”, I’ve been around some. There are also people who think they “deliver” people from demons.
I recommend Jim Osman’s book, Truth or Territory. He addresses these issues very well.
Jim Osman’s book is a very helpful book. Thank you for your comment!
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