Examining the Prophetic Lab
But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you. 1 Corinthians 14:22 ESV
Imagine participating in what is deemed a prophetic seeing experiment. You are invited to join your consciousness with Jesus and to see the way He sees about a specific event in the past. The event is concealed from you, but you are told Jesus knows the event. You are to journey with Him to the event in your spirit, and the instructions continue as follows, “What is the date? What happened that was important? Who was involved? How does God see the event? Tune all your senses into the event.” The seeing experiment reveal occurs four days later, and you are told the event you journeyed with God into was your own birth. You are then instructed to look at the details and to see what you perceived correctly.

What I have described to you came from The Prophetic Lab (now affiliated with The Spiritual Intelligence Institute). The Prophetic Lab is an equipping center for the church and subsidiary of a spiritual intelligence company called Aqua Regia. The prophetic lab and its origins can be traced back to Bethel Church in Redding, California and to a former BSSM student (Lindsey Reiman) who, after having open visions, dreams, and a powerful trance said to be tied to the book of Daniel, believed that God revealed this business and practice to her.
In its infancy, the prophetic lab would prophesy at Hollywood events where they were invited to replace the psychics. Since 2021, it is now a registered for-profit business providing what are called prophetic reports to individuals and to companies. The prophetic reports they do involve “compiling insight into how heaven sees you, what God has planned for you, and how you can partner with Him to the promises over your life realized.”
The main focus of the company is to “provide reports and solutions for the world.” It utilizes “prophecy, word of knowledge, dream interpretation, strategic intercession, and discernment to unlock practical solutions in professional and personal realms of those we serve.” They say they are committed to Jesus Christ and their purpose is to build the Kingdom of God on earth.
The process of receiving and collecting prophetic words for an individual involves assigning a secret code to the individual and conducting a double-blind prophetic experiment. According to the site, “A prophetic company gathers to hear the Lord for an individual, business or city. This is accomplished through a double-blind methodology; the prophetic company has no knowledge of the individual, business or city recipient other than an identifier code. Additionally, the team members do not discuss with each other what they wrote, each word is produced independently. And yet patterns emerge, we pay attention to themes and patterns because it is often where the voice of the Lord can be heard most clearly.”
The report is said to have two sections: intelligence and interpretation. The founder of this business has modeled the protocol after secret intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, and they believe this is an evangelistic tool.

There is a financial cost to the reports. Individual reports can be purchased for $2,200, or a mini report can be done for $450.00. Businesses may also request a prophetic report for $2,750. There are also webinars and intensive labs offered through the Spiritual Intelligence Institute. (As of 2023, Lindsey Reiman has merged the Prophetic Lab with this Institute, partnering with Kris Vallotton and Dan McCollam in this endeavor.)

So Many Questions, Greater Eternal Concerns
There are questions arising from the practices taking place in Aqua Regia/The Prophetic Lab. The two greatest areas of concern and questions are the true gospel not being ministered and extrabiblical practices that are not modeled in Scripture or are forbidden in Scripture, such as what appears to be cold readings that are noted in psychic readings. There is also the concern that individuals are paying for prophecy, let alone exorbitant prices for such practices. They state this is not the case, but this is a concern, nonetheless.
One of the things mentioned on their site and by Reiman is that prophetic reports are given to unbelievers, and in doing so, this has opened up “conversations around faith, as well as recipients experiencing the love of God.” There was also an admittance of not using the name of Jesus early on when attending Hollywood events as they wanted to honor the people they were serving while making the claim that the gospel can still be ministered without using the name of Jesus. There is a heavy emphasis on experiences, feelings, hearing God’s voice (arguably subjective in nature), and foretelling. This is concerning as there appears to be no explanation of the gospel with Scripture being forthtelling, which is prophetic in nature in testifying of Jesus Christ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be proclaimed without the name of Jesus. There is no other name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). Salvation does not come in hearing God’s voice for us and this being our inheritance. The question of giving prophetic reports through double-blind methodology to unbelievers is not only not modeled in Scripture, but the gift of prophecy outlined in 1 Corinthians 14 along with spiritual gifts apportioned to believers as the Holy Spirit wills (1 Corinthians 12:11) is for the building up of the church. Prophecy is said to be a sign to the believer as unbelievers respond to the gospel going forth and being brought to repentance as the secrets of their hearts are laid bare (1 Corinthians 14:22).
Prophecy is also being done at the will of the individual prophesying. We do not see this modeled in Scripture. The Holy Spirit functioned in and through those who spoke for God. It was not as the person willed, but as God willed. It is also disconcerting when the view is taken that prophecy is not about being right or wrong while saying they are hearing what the Lord says. Things stated to be from the Lord are made to be unauthoritative, meaning that a person decides if the word resonates with them, or if they need to “put it on a shelf” and consider it later. Individuals are told to “Stay attuned to what resonates
with you and what moves you. Look for hidden meanings, themes, and patterns that emerge. Resist the urge to make sense of every word. Some words or details may not apply. Focus on what does, and feel free to discard or shelve what doesn’t at this time, but keep in mind that some things may make sense in the future.”
At one point in the report, the recipient is also told, “Sometimes a word will be relevant to you immediately; other times, it won’t make sense because it is meant for a later date. If anything in this report doesn’t resonate with you at all, feel free to simply ignore it, because we can certainly swing and miss.” This leads to subjective thinking and a lack of reverence for claiming to speak on behalf of God. We need to ask if there are instances in Scripture where a person speaking on behalf of God had a “swing and a miss.” Needless to say, there are serious concerns with this practice, and these concerns are addressed in love and truth according to the Word of God.
In closing, I leave this here for consideration. If an individual is not being told about sin, rebellion against God and why they need the Savior in accordance with Scripture, then they are not hearing the full gospel, the true gospel of Jesus Christ. If they are not hearing the Word of God ministered to them in testifying of Christ and His atonement for our sin, if they are not hearing the good news of Christ to their bad news of God’s wrath for their sin, then they are not hearing the gospel, and the spirit in operation giving claimed prophetic words without the gospel being presented must be tested. True prophecy testifies of Jesus Christ. It is His Word which edifies, exhorts, and comforts. The modern prophetic movement has blazed a trail with self at the center and Jesus Christ at the periphery, cheering fallible human beings on as victors. When we return to the more sure word of prophecy, we testify of the One who has truly conquered, and we return to the proper place of exalting Christ.
For a more in depth look into The Prophetic Lab and Aqua Regia, you can listen to the episodes here: The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: Examining the Prophetic Lab Part 1 on Apple Podcasts The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: Examining the Prophetic Lab Part 2 on Apple Podcasts
5 thoughts on “Examining the Prophetic Lab”
Wow! That sounds very twisted, and yet many will follow. Really sad times we’re living. Sad for those who run to this sort of activity. Lord help us, all over this world.

First, I agree completely that the actions of the Prophetic Lab are unscriptural. The fact that they do not point people directly to follow/surrender to Christ in connection with the prophetic words they give is dangerously close to (and may even be) conveying the idea that those persons can still follow whatever gods (elevating self to the place of God is included), or no god at all, that they currently do. Such a practice is strictly forbidden in Deuteronomy 13, and the penalty under the Old Testament theocracy was heavy, to say the least.
Second, check out Dr. Heiser’s short video discussing the primary action/function of a prophet in the Old Testament. https://youtu.be/zLo0t63TjAU
If you read 1 Corinthians 14:22 with this Old Testament model/function of prophesy in mind, as the Apostle Paul no doubt did when he wrote the letter, then it makes perfect sense why the person would be “convicted by all, called to account by all.” But when we divorce the Old Testament from the New Testament, we’re forced to fabricate and create new interpretative methods, all the while the best method is to let scripture interpret scripture as often as we can.
Thanks for shining light on this and being a covenant enforcer!
When I traveled in prophetic circles there was such an awe and fear of the Lord for every word – they were thought of, prayed over, measured against scripture, and waited upon for a long time for confirmation, then spoken with fear and trembling. I cannot fathom how this has veered so far from the truth. I am heartbroken and sickened by this Demonic Lab of lies!
I’ve been involved in prophetic ministry since the early 90s. Even then one could see this coming and Jesus was taking a back seat. Many of those who proclaim to occupy the office of prophet today listen to another voice. Materialistic. Political. Building one’s own kingdom. In love with personal accolades. Charging for access to God and His word. Anyone that is truly listening for His voice today you’ll find having no problem with remaining quiet. Being still is not something they are comfortable with.
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