Faith and Life Lessons in 2021

Faith and Life Lessons in 2021

While reflecting on personal growth this year and things that have taken place in life, I am coming away with joy in the Lord while being challenged in the midst of my weaknesses to press on and to set my eyes on Jesus Christ. This year has held unexpected moments, many of those were trying, difficult, and full of uncertainty. The uncertainty was not in the Lord, but in what lay ahead. I do not want to paint a grim picture. However, at times it seemed the waves did not stop and there was no end in sight. But God is faithful and casting my cares upon Him became a common thing. Though it seemed all of His breakers and wave were crashing down over us, my soul was reminded to trust in the Lord and to thank Him in the breakers. It was in those moments I found myself no longer despising my weakness but instead embracing it while trusting in Christ to strengthen me, trusting that He had gone ahead of every situation and His peace was guarding my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

In times of difficulty and challenges this year, God demonstrated His grace and mercy. He answered prayers, and though there have been challenging moments up until the end of this year, I am overwhelmed at the goodness of God in spite of it all. It brings me back to Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” I am sure you can relate to what I am saying as many of us have faced trying times, mourned losses, dealt with anxious thoughts, and clung to the Lord more than ever. We have found joy and peace in God in the throes of suffering because without Him, these are not truly attainable.

One of the areas of growth for me this year was in praying Biblically and in accordance with His Word. A deepening love for the Word of God has grown exponentially, and the more I read, the more in awe I am of His truth and His majesty. The trying times were a gift in understanding how to pray and to petition God. This was a great change from what I used to do in years past, which was to demand and command and to decree and declare. In all those years, I had never stopped to think about to whom the commanding and demanding was directed. The clay was foolishly demanding the Potter. He had every right to smash this vessel into oblivion, but instead, He placed me on the wheel and corrected the cracks and the errors. When you begin to see that prayer is petitioning God, supplicating while offering thanksgiving, and trusting Him regardless of the outcome, it brings a much-needed humility and understanding of who is in control. And it was not me. Though I do not want to suffer, and I do not want those I love to suffer, I continue to thank God in those moments and to be comforted by my gracious God who perfects me in weakness and who is there in my darkest and most trying times. He lights the path with His Word. It is a beacon of truth on the waves of despair, guiding us to safe keeping in Him. He is not caught off guard, and His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) What a comfort that should be to us as His people.

If I can encourage believers who are dealing with hardships, illness, and heartbreak, I would say this to you. Cast your cares upon Him. There is no limit to doing so. He cares for you. Trust Him through the storms of life. Do not be afraid to be weak before the Lord. You cannot hide it no matter how much you may try. You are not the pillar of strength. Weakness does not mean a lack of faith. It is quite the opposite when we are running to the Lord to be strengthened and to be comforted. Our faith is in Him. We are not promised the primrose path, but we are promised eternal life because of Jesus Christ, and we can be comforted by 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”

Life Lessons

This year also brought some practical life lessons that are Biblical, ultimately leading back to my witness for Christ and glorifying Him in word and deed. In broaching specific topics, there were opportunities to converse with others. Some who disagreed were hospitable and charitable in their speech while others were less than charitable. It has been a blessing in addressing such topics to help others and to point back to Christ and to His Word. I have also been reminded of His Word and in learning how to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1:19). This can be challenging for me at times because I want to come in with guns blazing rather than the fruit of the Spirit and the sword of the Spirit. We all have strong convictions and opinions, and it is easy to become ensnared in pride and self-righteousness.

We live in a culture where everyone has an opinion and where many are keyboard warriors at one time or another. Guilty as charged. By the help of the Holy Spirit, I am growing in conversing with others who disagree with me and vice versa. It has been a blessing to continue growing in responding versus reacting and recognizing that not all comments and grievances require a response, especially when it will be unfruitful, contentious, and self-glorifying. At the same time, I do not shy away from confrontation when necessary. Having words seasoned with salt is important as followers of Christ while demonstrating gentleness and respect (Colossians 4:6, 1 Peter 3:15).

As this year comes to a close, I know this with certainty. I know far less than I thought I did, and I am even more certain of my faith in Jesus Christ than ever before. I have much to learn with much more growth, and I am trusting the Lord along the way. He is worthy of praise and glory. I hope wherever you are today, you will praise Him in all things while taking inventory of your life lived for Christ. No matter what kind of days 2021 held for you, think of them as another day closer to seeing our Beloved Savior.

Happy New Year!

Listen to this podcast now:

Faith and Life Lessons in 2021 – The Lovesick Scribe Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

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2 thoughts on “Faith and Life Lessons in 2021

  1. Faith and Life Lessons Learned 2021 especially, have been my very thoughts lately. Beautifully said Dawn. Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  2. Your honest words touched my heart, Dawn. I have been praying that the Lord will harmonize the thoughts of our minds, the desires of our hearts, and the purity of our spirits more closely with His. I felt He said, “This will happen when your love of walking in My way is matched by your hatred of walking in your way.” I understood that this is true but it gave me a deep feeling of hopelessness. “I’ll never make it,” I thought. Then He reminded me of the beautiful words of Matthew 12:20.
    “He [Jesus] will not crush a bruised reed, He will not snuff out a flickering candle. He will see to it that His righteous will is DONE.”
    It is so comforting to know that He doesn’t brush aside the bruised and broken. He is gentle with the weak and feeble. And He will be our strength until HIs desire for our righteousness is fulfilled.
    May He be your strength through each day of this new year!

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