It’s Supernatural Weight Loss!

It’s Supernatural Weight Loss!

Gemstones. Feathers. Gold dust. Gold teeth. Supernatural weight loss. These are some of the manifestations claimed by those who teach that occurrences like these are taking place in corporate gatherings among the hyper charismatic movement. Losing weight rapidly is an appealing idea to many who desire to shed unwanted pounds quickly and easily. Testimonials state inches are lost, and pounds dropped in the blink of an eye. It sounds too good to be true because it is. Typically, those testifying are not claiming miraculous and appearance altering weight loss but pants a little looser, tingling in their waistline, and waves of fire. This alone should bring pause for questions.

Recently, I was listening to a teaching on this very subject and observing what was taught and what Scriptures were used to justify the teaching. This particular minister issued decrees and declarations to heaven as people were encouraged to command fat cells to dissolve and waistlines to shrink. She encouraged listeners to take communion in order to lose weight, pointing to John 6 for understanding that the body and blood of Jesus satisfy us when we are physically hungry. She stated that the reason for many who have weight struggles stemmed from bitterness or a generational soul wound. She claimed that Esau, Issac’s son, had a food addiction and a soul wound from his father that was passed down due to his own food addiction. Listening to her teaching grieved me for her and for those who listened expecting truth. It seemed that self was highlighted rather than Christ, and the glorious meaning to Scriptures referenced was assigned another meaning, exhibiting irreverence.

I found myself thinking about how easy it is to be lured into these types of teachings in moments of weakness, vulnerability, and even Biblical illiteracy. We live in a world where conveniences are at our disposal. We all want fast fixes to our problems, not wanting to acknowledge that many problems do not happen overnight. Excess weight does not jump onto our bodies. It takes time to get on there, and it takes time and discipline to lose the weight. There are people who have medical conditions hindering their ability to lose weight. There are different reasons to consider, but one thing is for sure: blasting fat cells with commands and demands is not a solution, and abusing the Lord’s supper for the sake of weight loss is not the way.

In these claims and teachings to supernatural weight loss, there are questions that can be posed. Is this found in Scripture? That is the first question worth asking. The answer is no. This is not found in Scripture. Does this glorify or testify of Christ? Why are individuals not being taught about sanctification and Biblical discipleship if this is a sin or flesh issue? One minister instructed others to forgive themselves and to set themselves free with regards to losing weight supernaturally. Scripture never tells us to forgive ourselves. We are instructed to go to the Lord in repentance and ask Him to forgive us. To believe one can do a form of self-deliverance diminishes the understanding of Christ being our Deliverer. There is good news in the confines of Scripture and rich instruction for us to follow God.

As with many of these teachings, there is concern for deception and spiritual bondage. Passages of Scripture pointing to the finished work of Christ on the cross are used to emphasize personal power and authority while pushing the true meaning to the background. When the declarations do not make the waistline decrease, what happens to those who have placed their faith in these acts? The desire for signs and wonders, including supernatural weight loss, can distract and lead astray from the truth of God’s Word and the sufficiency of His Word. Additionally, the misappropriation of Scripture dishonors God, bringing confusion and misguidance, and a god of one’s own understanding while evading accountability for poor choices is created.

When dealing with an issue lacking self-control, we can go before God in prayer, repent, and ask for His help by His Spirit. He is faithful to help us. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” We can be encouraged by the Word of God, understanding that it is sufficient to help instruct us and to correct us in our weakness. We are thankful that God has sent the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us into all truth. As believers, we do well to embrace His ways rather than the illusion of quick fixes.

Listen to this latest episode evaluating a teaching on supernatural weight loss: The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: It’s Supernatural Weight Loss! on Apple Podcasts

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2 thoughts on “It’s Supernatural Weight Loss!

  1. Is the book moments in his pre NAR or post NAR and the words you recommend I get it I’ll see the other one about being woke is that the new 1

    1. Hey, Donald! Sorry for the delayed response. The Moments devotional was during my time in this movement, so I removed it from print. Nonprophet Woke is about my time coming out of this movement. I hope that his helpful!

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